The Stool4TB team (Mozambique) are ready to begin the study in the Manhiça district. The team presented the study to the Manhiça Community Advisory Committee (CCC), under the coordination of Dr. Sozinho Acácio, Principal Investigator of the study in Mozambique. The presentation took place on November 17, 2021 and was attended by more than 45 people, including CCC members and other guests.
During the meeting, the team members reiterated their commitment to maintain and strengthen the dialogue with this agency, before and after the implementation of the Stool4TB study. They also took this opportunity to ask for the Committee collaboration to facilitate the development of all related activities for the research in the Mozambique site.
During the presentation, Dr. Sozinho, coordinator of the study, explained that "this study aims to evaluate new ways to diagnose childhood tuberculosis and people living with HIV based on faeces. Since it is difficult for this group to obtain traditional samples (sputum), that’s why the involvement of the community for the partnership is important to the success of the study".
The CCC is an independent body whose main objective is to facilitate communication between the communities and the CISM research team, aiming to ensure that all research processes take place within the norms that are easily accepted in the communities. Therefore, the CCC aims to strengthen and formalize communication mechanisms between researchers and communities, and works as a consultative body and a vehicle for information between researchers and communities and vice versa, based on a partner relationship.
This body is made up of more than 32 members, from various groups and associations within the district, hospital, local government (municipality and administration), women's groups or associations, religious denominations, community/traditional leaders, traditional healers, and others from the Manhiça district.