The First Health Research in Extractive Industry Forum is taking place on the 17th November 2021, from 08.00hrs to 13.00hrs. It will be a hybrid event with representatives from government, cooperate agencies, extractive industries, national and international partner research institutes and civil society.
The research forum is organized on the scope of the research project entitled “Health Impact Assessment For Sustainable Development (HIA4SD)”, being implemented by Manhiça Health Research Center in partnership with Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH). The discussion will include research results, their implications and how they can contribute to better public health in communities were industry projects are run.
Presidente da Fundação Manhiça
Investigador Principal Local
Investigador Principal projecto HIA4SD
Investigadora - CISM
Co- Investigador Principal local - CISM
Investigadora Junior - CISM
Coord. da área de estudos populacionais - CISM
Consultor - CISM
Director Geral - CISM
Director . Medicus Mundi
Coordenadora do programa de pesquisa de Clima, Ambiente e Saúde - INS/MISAU
Director Faculdade de Medicina - UEM
Secretário Permanente - Ministério dos Recursos Minerais e Energia
Secretária Permanente - Ministério da Terra e Ambiente
Direcção Nacional de Saúde Pública