The Department of Demography was established to provide reliable demographic, essential for the implementation of high quality biomedical research and to provide technical support for this research. It manages the Demographic Surveillance System (SVD), and monitors demographic events in approximately 46,000 households and approximately 206,000 inhabitants in Manhiça. In addition to this support that is provided to studies to locate and follow up participants, the data collected here allow us to study the population demographic dynamics, prepare accurate maps on the distribution of diseases and their risk factors in the area of study, monitor some interventions that are carried out in the health sector, among other potentials.
The Department has collaborated with several institutions by providing hands-on training in population and health data collection and analysis. Thus, with the same purpose of providing reliable demographic data, the CISM replicated the Manhiça SVD experience in 4 large studies in recent years, of which 2 were completed (the CLIP study - Community Level Interventions For Pre-eclampsia, involving a cohort of around 76,000 women of reproductive age in 12 clusters in Gaza and Maputo provinces and the MALTEM-Mozambican Alliance Towards Elimination of Malaria study, involving around 52,000 people across Magude district as part of the Malaria Elimination Initiative). The other 2 platforms are being implemented in the districts of Mopeia and Quelimane, in Zambézia Province. The Mopeia District SVD (a rural area) was established under the BOHEMIA-Broad One Health Endectocide-based Malaria Intervention in Africa program, where 136,000 inhabitants will be followed, while Quelimane will be established as part of the expansion of study activities. CHAMPS - Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance, involving approximately 162,000 residents.
Charfudin Sacoor
Heaf of Demography
His research area is Health Demography , specializing in Demographic Surveillance Systems including longitudinal data capture, management and analysis of demographic data. This also includes field epidemiology focused on population and household dynamics, migration, health determinants, maternal and child health and causes of death.
He has been involved in various capacity building activities, such as supporting the implementation of demographic surveillance platforms, including two from the National Institute of Health at the Ministry of Health in Mozambique (in the District of Chokwe and Bairro Polana Caniço in Maputo, Mozambique). It provided similar support to the Center for Sanitary Research of Angola (CISA), Caxito, Angola and other African Centres. He is also a lecturer in Demography in the Master's Course in Public Health at the Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique, and a PhD candidate in Public Health at the University of Barcelona in Spain.


